About Jim Ellis...
t44tq at mindspring.com
Sat Dec 8 10:11:03 EST 2001
Attached is the email I got from Jim Ellis regarding that
lawsuit that Steve Jensen mentions:
It's quite obvious that at least until now, they have no clue
about the Internet.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jimmy Ellis [mailto:jimmye at jimellis.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 12:53 PM
To: t44tq at mindspring.com
Subject: Re: Email from main contact of Web site
Thanks for your e mail of concern. I've included a letter that states
our position and also some avenues for future actions to keep this kind
of thing from happening.
Dec 4, 2001
To Those of Concern:
From: Jimmy Ellis, Chief Operating Officer, Jim Ellis Auto Dealerships
Re: Jim Ellis Volkswagen of Marietta and George Mantis, i.e. g-man ae
After my meeting with Mr. Mantis on November 30, 2001, I feel this
situation is now resolved. We regret that Mr. Mantis's service
experience reached this level of dissatisfaction without my
The Explanation of Jim Ellis Volkswagen of Marietta's actions:
Our actions can be summarized in two ways: "Awareness" and "Concern"
"Awareness" because we were not aware of the intent of the information
in the on-line world of chat room forums: how they operate, who these
individuals are or what the mission or agendas are of these forums.
"Concern" because we saw a complaint about a service experience roar out
of control to a point that respondent postings became vulgar and
personally threatening to some of our employees. I now do not believe
that this was Mr. Mantis's intent. However, it nevertheless pushed Mr.
Farmer finally to the judicial system for help.
It has been our commitment for over 30 years and will be in the future
"We will aggressively address any situation that we feel is a threat to
the safety and comfort of our employees"
Maybe we overreacted, but our actions were based on our knowledge of our
industry's history of individuals injured, some fatally in the work
place out of rage and anger. That is a troubling reality that we can't
afford to ignore.
So What Now?
Mr. Mantis and I have agreed on a few ideas that we could all benefit
First, that Jim Ellis Automotive Dealerships understand and improve its
online communications. To that end, we will install links with VW
Vortex, as well as other online forums that would benefit from having
easy, direct communications not only with the Jim Ellis Companies and
their management, but also to Jimmy Ellis, Chief Operating Officer of
Jim Ellis Automotive Dealerships.
We have recently upgraded our website (http://www.jimellis.com) and feel
that it offers a great deal in this regard. However, we are always open
to customer comment and suggestions. We have a page on our site now that
will enable you to contact us. (http://www.jimellis.com/contact.asp), We
will add further links to make communication easier.
This should enable anyone who has a dispute with the Jim Ellis
Dealerships to communicate with us when necessary, so this situation
won't happen again.
We'll go further to say that we would open a page for informational
questions from technical to operational about your Volkswagen.anything
that we could do to help make your ownership experience a better one.
Mr. Mantis and I also agreed that the VW Vortex forum as well as other
forums about cars and their owners should never be a forum that allows
vulgarity or personal threats. They should instead be forums where
owners can seek information that will improve their ownership
Jim Ellis Automotive Dealerships will commit to help in this mission and
open the on-line informational channels of communications to any
Volkswagen or Audi Owner who is seeking a better experience.
Yours very truly,
Jimmy Ellis
Chief Operating Officer
Jim Ellis Auto Dealerships
jimmye at jimellis.com
----- Original Message -----
From: <t44tq at mindspring.com>
To: <webmaster at jimellis.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 12:05 AM
Subject: Email from main contact of Web site
Name : Taka Mizutani
Address :
City :
State : PA
Contact Method : Email
Phone :
Email : t44tq at mindspring.com
Comments : I have just heard that you have filed a libel suit against
one of your Volkswagen customers over a service issue that was
While I do not know all of the facts, I feel that this type of action
against an individual, a customer, over a customer service issue, is
unreasonable and unwarranted.
I have read the thread on vwvortex.com and hearing of this action
incenses me.
I am not a customer of yours (I don't even live in the area), but if
this is how you choose to conduct business, I will never be a customer
of yours. I have heard too many stories of your dealership providing
horrible service to Volkwagen and Audi owners alike and this recent
event only underscores the issue.
I also believe that you reap what you sow- if this is how you treat
customers, time will tell how your business fares.
Taka Mizutani
Never to be one of your customers
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