Wastegate Diaphragm R&R--stuck nut!
Jim Green
jeg1976 at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 9 11:14:04 EST 2001
Yes, there is a slot on the bottum, but I found it
useless. Try some different size screwdrivers, you
want to get one that really wedges in there, and kind
of bites the two surfaces. It took me three different
screwdrivers before I found a match.
--- Motor Sport Visions Photography
<msvphoto at pacbell.net> wrote:
> I tried and tried, but couldn't get that wastegate
> diaphragm upper nut
> removed yesterday afternoon. I have started to
> remove the wastegate, but
> put off finishing 'till this afternoon since
> darkness was setting in
> last night.
> I have already searched the archives, visited
> Scott's site, and tried
> the screwdriver trick. Anyway, I thought I would
> bounce this off the
> list to be sure I am heading in the right direction.
> I assume that once I get the WG off I can access
> something on the bottom
> of that shaft (hex? slotted?) to lock and turn
> against to remove that
> top nut? It has all soaked in PB Blaster and Kroil
> overnight--which may
> help. Anyway, I have managed to remove the four nuts
> that hold the WG to
> the EM already. I can see the three bolts that
> secure the WG to the
> downpipe and think I can get to them (and I can also
> see that I will
> need help holding/turning from the top while I'm
> underneath--my wife has
> already been warned ;-)...). Once I get those three
> bolts removed, will
> the WG come out? (Looks so...but I wanted to be sure
> having no BTDT in
> this area of the car yet).
> Any and all BTDT advice will be greatly appreciated.
> TIA!
> Mike Veglia
> Motor Sport Visions Photography
> http://www.motorsportvisions.com
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