Wastegate Diaphragm R&R--stuck nut!

Motor Sport Visions Photography msvphoto at pacbell.net
Sun Dec 9 16:01:40 EST 2001

Jim Green wrote:
> Yes, there is a slot on the bottum, but I found it
> useless.  Try some different size screwdrivers, you
> want to get one that really wedges in there, and kind
> of bites the two surfaces.  It took me three different
> screwdrivers before I found a match.
> Jim

Thank you Jim! With that added encouragement I tried again prying
upwards with a screwdriver and got it! Did not need to remove the WG
after all (phew). Car is back together now with boost back under the
control of the spring and ECU as it should be. Thank you for the post!

Mike Veglia
Motor Sport Visions Photography

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