KH throttle body, bypass valve hose?

Ameer Antar ameer at
Tue Dec 11 01:06:55 EST 2001

As Javad pointed out, the KH-type intercooler already has an extra hose
fitting that the MC motor doesn't use. So you can use it for the bypass. No
need for the expensive s4 hose...


----- Original Message -----
> Message: 9
> From: "Ken Keith" <auditude at>
> To: quattro at
> Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 11:24:07 -0700
> Subject: KH throttle body, bypass valve hose?
> Reply-to: auditude at
> Hello,
> I was just thinking about KH throttle bodies.  The KH intake manifold
> and automatic throttle body are desirable when converting an MC motor
> to EFI, due to the increased room to fit the fuel rail.
> I know that the KH throttle body is round, as opposed to the "Q" shaped
> MC throttle body opening.  The MC michelin man hose is "Q" shaped to
> fit it.
> I also know that there is an intake hose, I think for the ur-S4, that has
> built in port for a bypass valve.  On that intake hose, the throttle body
> opening shape is round.
> Will the ur-S4 intake hose fit on a KH throttle body?  If they are both
> round, are they also the same diameter?
> If so, this would be a good setup for putting in a bypass valve, and
> allows the use of a premade Samco-type silicone hose.  Apparently
> there isn't a Samco hose for the "Q" shaped MC throttle body, much
> less one with that shape an also a port for a bypass valve.
> Anyone know if this will work?
> Thanks,
> Ken

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