Starter removal on 4k series I-5 cars

Fisher, Scott Scott_Fisher at
Tue Dec 11 08:25:33 EST 2001

Huw writes (in response to Chris stuck in the boonies):

"be sure to check and clean the connections before spending the money on
a new one.  To be thorough, clean the mounting area as well, it is the

"while you're at it, check and clean the battery wires and alt wires &

What he said.  Also, DRY all the connections, especially those under the
car.  It's worth actually unscrewing the big battery cable on the starter
solenoid, wiping it down with paper towels, and putting it back tight.
Besides, if you DO have to replace the starter (which is actually pretty
easy on the I-5), you'll know where all the parts are.

And finally, check that the battery IN the car has enough water in all the
cells (if you still have the kind of battery you can check).  Often, if a
battery is REALLY dead, even jumping it won't make the car turn over.

In the event you do have to change out the starter, I remember it being
remarkably easy on my '83 CGT (which should be basically the same from the
halfshafts forward) -- access is good, not much harder than getting to the
oil filter, and you approach it the same way if I recall.  A couple of bolts
to hold it onto the bellhousing, a connector from the ignition switch, and
the cable from the battery is all it takes, and I have the faintest memory
of not even having to jack up the car, or certainly not very much.

--Scott Fisher

chris franz wrote:
> Hey all,
>    Here's the situation...My audi (86 4000 quattro) is sitting in my
> drive way, dead.   I drove to visit the fam in the boonies on the olympic
> peninsula from portland oregon and the car sat in the driveway without
> started for several days.    My girlfriend and I decided to leave.
> up and wandered out to the car and cranked it.   It cranked twice (didn't
> start) and then acted as if the battery didn't have enough of a charge to
> crank any more.   I jumped the car and it still won't start.   It just
> clicks and doesn't crank.   I feel that the starter is now dead but wanted
> to confirm before I remove it.    Also I was hoping for a bit of advice on
> removing it if it's bad.   I've gone through the archives and not found
> definitive answers so I am asking for help from the infinite knowledge of
> the list.
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris Franz (stranded in the boonies)

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