(no subject)

Fisher, Scott Scott_Fisher at intuit.com
Wed Dec 12 13:42:09 EST 2001

Duncan Thomson <duncan at systemcontrols.co.nz> writes:

> Cunning plan...!

"Baldrick, you wouldn't know a cunning plan if it pirouetted in front of you
with the words 'I am a cunning plan' emblazoned in fiery letters on its
backside."  (Don't take it personally, Duncan, it's an automatic response to
the words "cunning plan..." anyone else ever watch Blackadder?)

> I hate those passengers' knees... of course, with a RHD it's 1st
> and 2nd that get interfered with...
> talk about irritating... have to get around to removing that pesky
> passenger seat again methinks...!

Or arrange for better-looking passengers.  Besides, isn't it summer in New
Zealand?  Arrange for better looking passengers wearing shorts.

Definitely NOT what you want when you're navigating in a World Rally
competition, but it can be quite nice if you can take the time for lazy

--Scott Fisher
  Tualatin, Oregon
  where it's too bad I'm not aroused by Gore-Tex

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