[LAC] VWs with AWD?

Scott Scott at TheHinckleys.com
Thu Dec 13 22:31:56 EST 2001

Actually I had never heard the term before and was trying to figure out
what it was.

A quote from a review of the SMG:
"Declutching and gear shifting is carried out electro-hydraulically
following computations made by the engine management system and a new
transmission control unit. A tap on the paddle, or a flick of the gear
lever delivers instantaneous changes, it is "shift by wire". "

That is not automatic?

 From reading the full reviews of the SMG transmission it is indeed *like*
an automatic (and even has a full auto mode) with tiptronic except that:
1) You can tell it what gear you want and the "brains" won't override you
like they will in the tiptronic.
2) It is kick-butt and allows really serious sport driving, even more than
a standard clutch-based manual will.

The differentiation between automatic and "sequential clutchless manual
with auto shifting mode" seems a little false.

And now that I have read about it I want to know when my Audi will have one!


At 20:18 13-12-01 -0500, TM wrote:
> >If you want to be technical about it and nit-pick, sequential shift is
> >...
> >It has nothing to do with an automatic. That's why I clearly specified
> >"ala BMW SMG or Magneti-Marelli F1."

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