1982 5Ks

Tom Ferretti TomFer at uplink.net
Mon Dec 17 21:15:33 EST 2001

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Hey There,
I believe that I pretty much narrowed the problem with the hard starting.  =
Paul Cole was a tremendous help, pointed me in the right direction.  What I=
 experiencing now is somewhere in the fuel system.  I can now get the car t=
o fire nearly effortlessly, idles fine.  Once I get it out of the garage an=
d about two blocks away, it dies.  If I remove the rubber boot, lift the ai=
r plate magnetically and let the pressure bleed off, I can get the car runn=
ing again, (for two blocks anyway).  Is there a way to get to and service t=
he pressure relief valve?  I believe that because of the symptoms, this may=
 be the culprit.  Any suggestions... ANYONE !!!!
Tom Ferretti
Tomfer at uplink.net

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