'87 4kq: Is this what they mean by Team Doorhandle?

Russ Maki rinard at execpc.com
Tue Dec 18 01:49:47 EST 2001

The latch mechanisms also get pretty cruddy. I took a look at mine over the
summer, marveled at the corrosion and gunk that had accumulated in them and
dunked them all in a pan full of a rust-removal product called Oxy-Solv.
POR-15 Metal-Ready is a similar product, a phosphoric or phosphorous acid
solution that converts rust into iron phosphate.

After a few days of soaking the latch mechanisms were clean and operating
smoothly. I rinsed them thoroughly, dried them out and applied an aerosol
garage door track lube that has seemed to work better than the white grease
I've used previously.
Russ Maki
Ixonia, Wis.

> To: Quattro List <quattro at audifans.com>
> From: Andrew Buc <abuc at attglobal.net>
> Reply-To: Andrew Buc <abuc at attglobal.net>
> Subject: '87 4kq: Is this what they mean by Team Doorhandle?
> Lately the LR door on my car has gotten a bit touchy about being opened
> the outside--from the inside hasn't been a problem. As a single man, I
> need to open the rear doors often, but occasionally I do.
> Yesterday the door just didn't want to open. At one point I gave a good
tug on
> the handle, and it came ~1/2" away from the sheet metal, but snapped back
when I
> let go. I figured it was wise to take no for an answer! The door still
> fine from inside.
> So, is this the garden variety door handle failure mode, or something
else? Is
> it likely that that tug on the handle damaged anything? TIA

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