Who was working on a Real time engine monitoring system?

mark schofield 200quattro at lineone.net
Wed Dec 19 21:28:59 EST 2001

Grant wrote:

>Subject: Who was working on a Real time engine monitoring system?

I plead guilty to havung a little dabble in connection with a college
project although I don't think I was doing anything like as
sophisticated as Orin if I recall his website correctly.

I was just monitoring ignition pulse, brake-light and throttle position
in an attempt to simulate (in a most basic way) the sort of data-logging
the circuit racing guys get up to. I got good marks for the project
despite the fact that it only ever got to about the 80% complete stage -
despite best intentions it isn't ever likely to proceed any further!

So your are not just nuts!


'87 200 Quattro

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