water for 50/50 coolant mixing

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Thu Dec 20 02:02:52 EST 2001

At 11:58 PM -0500 12/19/01, Marc Swanson wrote:
>  > I'm a hopin' that you meant softened and not distilled.  Softening removes
>>  the bivalent ions that cause scaling and replaces them with harmless
>>  sodium. Distilled h2o is a no-no for metal systems.
>Huh?  Could you please explain to me how distilled water can harm a metal

Yeah, he's right...sounds wierd, but its not.  Deionized water is
even worse, I believe.

   However, I suspect that even after flushing with a garden hose,
there's still plenty of little bits of things, scale, solder bloom,
etc. for the deionized water to go to town on, so to speak.

Flip through McMaster(speaking of which, their website is MUCH better
now since they allow you to browse via HTML; just beware, IE tends to
choke on the complex pages, Opera handled it much better)...a lot of
the metal fittings state if they're compatible with deionized water

Of course, all of this is a moot point with a non-aqueous coolant ;-)

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http://www.users.cloud9.net/~brett/bdikeman.asc	(PGP Public Key)

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