HELP!!! '91 100 FUEL LEAK - bigger job than it seems.

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at
Thu Dec 20 13:18:23 EST 2001

there ya go!  I knew there was a reason I didn't consider copper lines...:)
Thanks Joshua


> ----------
> From: 	Joshua Van Tol[SMTP:josh at]
> Sent: 	December 19, 2001 6:44 PM
> To: 	quattro list
> Subject: 	RE: HELP!!!  '91 100 FUEL LEAK - bigger job than it seems.
> >
> >My suggestion, from experience, is that it is time to replace them all,
> >front to back.  I used generic steel lines (brake/fuel from NAPA) bent to
> >shape but someone mentioned flexible copper lines and I wish I had used
> that
> >as it would have been easier to bend to fit.
> Copper may not be suitable, as it work hardens when subjected to
> severe vibration, as is found in automotive applications.
> --
> Joshua Van Tol -- josh at

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