FW: Type-44: 200q cooling system flush/fill tips.

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Thu Dec 20 13:18:21 EST 2001

I am skeptical about the concerns with 'blasting away'.  With the pressures
that build up in the system at high temps, I can't see how a garden hose is
going to do any damage.  If blasting inside your rad with a garden hose
damages anything, I think it was well on it's way out anyway and better to
find the weakness now than out in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of
winter, at -30 degrees, wearing only a tshirt and runners, with no cell
phone..... (don't ask, OK?)


> ----------
> From: 	Marc Swanson[SMTP:marcswanson at mediaone.net]
> Sent: 	December 19, 2001 3:56 PM
> To: 	Brett Dikeman; willng at netzero.net; William Ng; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: 	Re: Type-44: 200q cooling system flush/fill tips.
> > yes, I believe the question was, how to do this :-)  I believe the
> > Bentley does cover this part, Will.  There are no plugs etc, just
> > gotta pull a few hoses.
> oh, oops.  Guess I should have explained that part.  Actually, draining
> out
> the coolant in a controlled fashion is relatively difficult since it is
> hard
> to pull the hose part way off to drain slowly.  Ever try to save recently
> replaced coolant for re-use before?  Its a PITA, trust me :-)
> Anyway, to answer that question just pull the hose on the radiator side
> that
> connects to the t-stat housing.  That will drain almost all of the coolant
> out. The rest will come out when you pull the t-stat itself.
> > >- blast away!
> >
> > Well...carefully.  Here, the water pressure(60+psi) is plenty enough
> > to do some serious damage to the cooling system.
> not to the block.  No way a garden hose will damage anything by blasting
> at
> full power into the filler neck.  By the time the water reaches the heater
> core it will not be packing nearly as big a wallup.  When flushing the
> radiator you might want to use more caution of course.
> > BTW Will, there are two schools of thought with the various radiator
> > flush solutions.  One school says "don't, you'll cause leaks" and the
> > other school says "yes, do it, it cleans things up, and if it causes
> > a leak, well, that was going to leak anyway, just a matter of time."
> If you flush your radiator and it causes a leak you either hit it with WAY
> too much pressure or it was going to leak anyway (or already was?).
> -Marc-
> 87 4ktq
> 88 90q

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