90q missing on cyl 5...ideas?

Dave C conner at cfm.ohio-state.edu
Sat Dec 22 13:43:29 EST 2001

Tom wrote:
"I have seen this problem occur in so many cars that I can't count em, and
almost always it is caused by a bad plug wire."

I'll second this suggestion.  I would say that if original plug wires are
on a ten year car they should be replaced with OEM Bosch just as a routine
service item...don't waste time checking them to see whether they test
good/bad, etc.  I have seen night/day improvement from new plug wires even
when the old ones tested OK.  In one case the improvement included a 5 mpg
increase in gas mileage... on my 87 5ks.  So cost of new wires shouldn't be
an obstacle, esp considering they can be had for $50.
Dave C.

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