Type-44: 200q cooling system flush/fill tips.

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 22 14:48:13 EST 2001

I lean toward the find it now camp.  Every other year,
I remove ALL the hoses and throughly inspect them,
looking for cracking, soft spots, wear marks, etc.  If
there's a weak link in my cooling system, I'd rather
find it in my driveway with the coolant out than on
the highway. (with the coolant out)

Jim Accordino

> BTW Will, there are two schools of thought with the
> various radiator
> flush solutions.  One school says "don't, you'll
> cause leaks" and the
> other school says "yes, do it, it cleans things up,
> and if it causes
> a leak, well, that was going to leak anyway, just a
> matter of time."

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