probs w/ h+r springs

jim rose sf5ktq at
Thu Dec 27 17:10:04 EST 2001

my 0.2 - my h+rs are great as long as im going around a very smooth corner
very fast. which aint all that often.

int he year ive had em on the car theyve made me wish i went with eibachs -
they dont lower the car as much and are a bit softer ive heard. both are
changes i would appreciate over the hr's. the camber's been way off since i
had them installed and the balance of the car is not as neutral as it was
stock [factory lift-kit =]  2B is going to slot my strut tops to straighten
out the camber, but the car has a lot more rattles now than it did a year
ago. oh well. still fun as h*ll to drive. if youre roads are bad i would
recc the eibachs - i can get away with the hr's in cali.

the bilstein shocks i love. tight but nice.


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