odd 2113 behavior, '89 200q, MC1

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 28 15:28:42 EST 2001

IMHO these things can fail catostrophicly or
intermitantly.  It is not exclusive to Audi.  My 87
Ford pickup has engine electronics that fail from time
to time.  If you think that you never want to get
stuck and just replace them at a given interval, you'd
probably be better off, but I've had both new OE from
the factory and replacement parts fail at short
intervals, <50k miles/6 months and junkyard
electronics last for years.  IME it's a crapshoot.
Certain parts don't fail at all.  Others fail often,
even after repeated "updates/improvements".  Machine
parts just break.

Jim Accordino

--- James Marriott <marriott at micron.net> wrote:
> All,
> My poor buddy Ben conned his parents into riding SIX
> HOURS in his
> way-cool ringsmobile for Christmas dinner at
> grandpa's. The car
> ran great 50% of the time, then wouldn't start at
> the filling
> station for the trip home. 2113 was the only code.
> He had the car
> towed to a nearby shop, and they mooched a ride back
> home from
> his uncle. The next AM, the shop goes to "diagnose"
> the car and
> it starts up and pulls in the shop on its own.
> Repeated restarts
> with no issues. A cousin drove the car home today
> with no issues.
> 2113 is supposed to be hall (distributor) sensor. Do
> these
> buggers fail intermittently? What's the fix?
> (sensor, entire
> dist, etc) And should I proactively change mine?
> tia and cu, James Marriott
> '84 4kq beater, 217k
> '87 4kq (alias "late-B2 90q") with rare NG engine,
> 181k
> '89 200q (MC1, ProconTen/no bag, 1.8 blah blah),
> 141k
> Boise, ID, USA     http://www.webpak.net/~marriott/
> www.ringsperformance.com

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