5ktq Accelration "stutter"

d bier basiltpooch at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 30 16:50:37 EST 2001

My 1988 5ktq has develpoed an intermitent miss or
stutter upon acceleration. Sometimes it runs great for
an entire trip, other times it start out OK, but then
begins to miss and stumble with the appication of any
throttle at all.

This usually occurs after I've been in stop and go
city traffic. It doesn't seem to tie to a certain
engine temp - its happened with the gauge anywhere
from 1/4 to 1/2.

It still gets good mileage ~27-28 and can get up to
1.3 bar even when its missing (it just takes awhile

I've check vacuum hoses, connections etc. I can't
really tell if its fuel delivery or ignition related.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated

88 5000tq
00 TTqr

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