ok well 20v?

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at ummhc.org
Thu Feb 1 14:10:13 EST 2001


Speaking from experience, last year I got some extra cash in march and
wanted to get my 1st quattro.  I found one within 3 weeks and bought it (a
1987 5000 CS turbo quattro) and paid 1700$ for it.  Since then I have put at
LEAST 2500.00$ into and I'm still not done.  If I had been a little more
patient I could have prolly spent a little more and been able to get a much
better car.  So my advice is one to figure out what you want and then look
for a while AND listen to the guys on the list talk about their cars.  If
anyone lives near you, see if you can hook with them for a drive and see
what kind of mods they have done and how much it cost them.  A 1991 200turbo
quattro 20v is a nice car, but it was only made for 1 year, the following
year was the S4 intro into the states and its a completely different car.
The 1991 200tq is therefore... 1, hard to find... and 2... hard to find
parts for as there arent many parts cars out there....

Now im not trying to talk you out of that car, i just think knowing some
more about it you can make better decisions.

87 5ktq
1.8 Bar
Eibach springs (not installed yet)
Blisteins (also not installed yet)

-----Original Message-----
From: d s [mailto:arcopunk at hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2001 1:55 PM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: ok well 20v?

ok now, where and how much could i aquire a 20v for?

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