engine swap

edkellock at juno.com edkellock at juno.com
Fri Feb 2 19:29:31 EST 2001

There's a lotta room between 1000 and 8500.  I've heard similarly
less than impressive things about 2Bennett's work.  I'd not be in a
hurry to finance their summer vacations with some of the info I've
heard about their work.  

Just how much liability in terms of service after the sale do you
really think they'd be willing to dole out?  The truly stellar ones
are few and var between these days.

On Fri, 02 Feb 2001 16:44:37 EST JShadzi at aol.com writes:
> <<To address the second comment, yes, there is at least one person on 
> the list (I know of one other car, but I don't think he's 
> $ubScribed) who has installed an MC-1 into a Coupe GT.  And my total 
> cash outlay was less than half of 2B's going price.>>
>      This statement might be true, but I do not see how it is 
> relevant.  How much would you charge to do a conversion, and be 
> liable for it?  Much more than the parts are at stake here, there is 
> paid labor, liability, overhead, and many other factors to consider 
> than just how much it cost YOU.  
>      Sure, I did my conversion for about $1000 out the door 
> (granted, my contacts are much better than most being in the 
> industry), but I would be hard pressed to do a conversion, for 
> alother person, for $8500- especially in light of the relatively 
> easy salary I make at my current full time job.
> Javad
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