Warmup/fuel pressure regulator

DGraber460 at aol.com DGraber460 at aol.com
Fri Feb 2 22:14:27 EST 2001

Is anyone intimately familiar with these little high dollar demon possessed 
hunks of aluminum?
My attitude toward them is based on an experience from a previous auto.
What I want to know is which direction of rotation of the setting screw in 
the bottom produces higher and lower pressures. I'm guessing that backing the 
screw down would allow higher pressures?
I have 4 of the things and would like to experiment a little to bring my 
pressures into spec.
I currently get a reading of 13.5 psi cold, 42 after 3 min., 66 after 4 min., 
49.6 for the next 1.5 minutes (stumbling badly), full warm= 51. After shut 
down drops to 43, 20 min. = 36, 1 hour= 33 psi. System pressure reads 87 psi. 
How do those numbers compare to others findings? 
The car is basically running pretty well but occasionally hesitates on full 
throttle. Not a full miss, but just slight hesitation. Other times it goes 
like hell.
I would like to replace the WOT switch just to be sure. It checks out with a 
meter, but with all the fury of WOT, it might give different results. Anyone 
have such a beast, or know a good source? I hate going through the dealers, 
and the local boneyard has not been user friendly lately.
With an auxiliary gauge I'm getting 13 PSIG boost at WOT. With normal sea 
level atmosphere of 14 something, and at mile high if you figure even only 
10, it equates to 23 psi (absolute?) boost. Is that right?
I'm having fun, but need to purge a few niggling gremlins.


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