Audi, the invisible

Lawrence C Leung l.leung at
Sun Feb 4 22:30:33 EST 2001

Twice in one day, I was almost driven over by oversized SUV's

1)	Turning right onto a major open access highway (NY 59). Stopped at
light, 	attempting right on red. Turn signal on. Paying careful attention
to traffic as 
	a police officer is directly across from me. They (cop and others) make
the left in 	front of me with their traffic light.  A dorF Excessive
pulls to the left of me in the 	straight lane. Puts on Right turn signal.
WHAT!?!!? Blow horn, though I don't 	understand how they can't see a
Pearl 200 with it's turn signal and brake lights 	on.Traffic clears, and
as I 	begin to go, the Excessive begins to turn RIGHT ON 	TOP of me. Blow
horn again! They look annoyed. If I only had a Bazooka!
2)	(SAME TRIP, just returning). In left lane waiting for light to change.
Chebby 	Sub-Urban next to me starts turning it's front wheels my way.
Light changes Sub-	Urban starts to turn right into the side of my
vehicle. I had no where to go, so the 	horn goes off again (glad it
started working again, got to get that De-Oxit now!). 

Is it me, Audi's or are SUV driver's THAT stupid!?!?!?

BTW - the invisibility of the 200Q payed off the other day, the cop let
me off from speeding probably precisely because the car is such a
sleeper. I'd bet if I were driving a Boxster or Mustang or some such I
would've been nailed. 


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