Horn Electrics 100/200

Lawrence C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Sun Feb 4 22:34:33 EST 2001

Thanks Kneale, Huw and other's about the horn issue. 

I think it's really the stupid horn switch in the steering wheel. Going
to order the De-Oxit kit tomorrow and hit every connection I can, weather
permitting (now the forecast is for 6"). I know I definitely can hit the
steering wheel, it's inside. 

Thanks for all of your help.


On Sun, 04 Feb 2001 15:40:39 -0500 Kneale Brownson
<knotnook at traverse.com> writes:
>In front of the driver side wheel well?
>At 10:31 AM 02/04/2001 -0500, Lawrence C Leung wrote:
>>My Bentley has turned up missing (it's in some box that I still have 
>>to find the time to unpack, I HATE moving!), so I was hoping someone 
>>the list can tell me the general Horn location on the 100/200 series. 
>>it possible to have knocked of the connections while replacing the 
>>Sensor? I'd like to know before I go outside, we've got a winter 
>>watch already and it's starting to blow cold.
>>LL - NY

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