Strange Window Problem !!!

Michael Pederson mlped at
Mon Feb 5 08:09:58 EST 2001

"Rebooting," I believe, may be Payne area speak for "put it in da trunk."  
Dunno, but works for me.  Probably a polite form for "put a sock in it" &
maybe should be added to the master acronym list.  ;-)

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Michael A. Carr
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 3:25 PM
To: quattro at
Subject: Re: Strange Window Problem !!!

Excuse me for being TOTALLY ignorant , But how does one go about
rebooting the "central power window server" and what is a Win NT44 ; Am
I the only dummy in here? ( flame suit and umbrella at the ready)
It may be that none of this applies to me at all, I own an 85 5kcs (non
turbo) and what a releif that'd be, but if I should be re-booting stuff
I better get on it !
I haven't ever had anyone "re-boot" anything as far as I know.


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