Which new Audi is best, and why?

BRIAN O'NEILL briano_72 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 5 18:27:25 EST 2001

the v8 and the t in the a6 are hard to tell apart
other than some minor turbo lag. if it was my wife ,
id chose the 2.8. the v8 is a torque monster where the
t is speed. both very fun cars.( i work at a audi
bodyshop, drove both ) so is it really for her or
maybe alittle for you ???? i would prob. go with the
v8. it just feels like a bigger,stiffer car. they both
look the same, the only body difference is the emblems
on the deck lid. 

i have no experence with the allroad as of yet.

if you dont have more than 2 kids and you dont need a
big car, the s4 is very nice too. only drove the 6
speed, but i think with the turbo and an auto, boost
would be held between shifts and should be more fun.
but your wife probably wount notice that!!! i would be
hessitant with any audi turbo because just about every
1.8 ive seen has had to get a new turbo charger. i
guess the oil system isnt good enough for them. but if
you lease or only keep the car till the warranty is up
you will not have to worry about that now huh ?? hope
that helped.
                                     brian o'
93 90 cs
90 80 
88 944 turbo s ( for sale )
--- jzwahlen at cerrejon.com wrote:
> In the near future I may be in the market for a new
> Audi.
> Under consideration are:
> A6 4.2 V8
> A6 2.7T
> allroad quattro
> S4
> Looking for a sedan, primarily for my wife,
> therefore it
> will most likely require the Tiptronic tranny.
> Can anybody give me their opinion, on this list, are
> you
> kidding ;) ?  I am particularly interested in their
> comparative ride and handling characteristics.  Does
> the
> allroad ride rough or have excessive tire noise?  I
> know
> they have specially designed tires for this car
> exclusively.
> Any comments might help.
> jazman
> 1999 VW Polo Classic 1.6L
> 1994 Porsche 968
> formerly:
> 1993 Audi 100CS
> 1987 5000CS TQ
> 1985 5000S
> 1982 GMC S-15 (sorry about that one folks)
> 1978 VW Rabbit
> 1971 Plymouth Duster =8^0
> 1969 VW Beetle

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