melting headlight switch on 4000

Huw Powell audi at
Thu Feb 8 00:50:57 EST 2001

> I have already "relayed" my headlights so that the headlight current isnt
> passing through the dash switch. Would it work to wire the lights so that
> the "High" beam position sent current to both high and low filiments full
> time (in the highbeam on position)? 

all that would take is a diode from the high relay trigger wire to the
low relay trigger.

> Would the bulb and socket tolerate the
> extra heat of lighting both filiments or result in burnout/meltdown?

that is something you will find out for us, right?

> I am
> thinking that this would require a diode in the high beam wire connected to
> the low beam filiment, so that running the low beams only doesnt also send
> current to the high beam filement.

Hmmm, that sounds like the way to do it!

Huw Powell, can't read down before typing...

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