Deat Battery and Alternator's
Simon Allcorn
Simon.Allcorn at
Thu Feb 8 09:31:38 EST 2001
OK what's the charging situation like with either alternator on the ur-q ?
Do you get ~ 14.5 Volts at 1k rpm ? I'm guessing yes.
I'm thinking that your alternator may be OK but something else on the 4kq
charging cricuit is a bit FUBARed.
92 90 q
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Todd Phenneger [SMTP:tquattroguy at]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 7:14 PM
> To: Quattro List
> Subject: Deat Battery and Alternator's
> Heya guys (and maybe a girl or two) :-)
> My brand spankin new battery is DEAD right now. And my
> voltage drain when parked is only about 15 ma if memory serves.
> I'll double check. So why is it going dead. Heres my Theory...
> My Alt doesn't kick on untill I rev it up to 2,500 RPM. Oh,
> car is a 4kq. Stock Alt did this, so I put the one from the
> ur-q in. Same thing. Both are 90a units. also, at Idle my
> Voltage gauge drops from about 13.5 - 14 volts down to about 12.
> Radiator fan sounds slower, lights dim a bit. Shouldnt the Alt
> be able to maintain 14v at idle???
> So with my Euro Lights and most stop and go driving is my
> battery just getting drained over time? Whats up?
> If I need a new Alt...what are my options. I'm seriously
> considering buying Avi Meron's 130a 14.8v unit. But $200 is a
> lot of money. I could re-build it for much cheaper myself
> couldn't I? Whats involved in a stock re-build. I probably
> should get the 130a unit as I have 400w of lights (200w on low
> beam) and a decent amp running the Stereo so I probably need the
> big unit. But, just thought I'd look at my options.
> Thanks
> TOdd
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