quattro digest, Vol 1 #1016 -Diesel

Edward Birch edwbirch at home.com
Sun Feb 11 08:00:10 EST 2001

> From: "urquattro" <urquattro at phoenixdsl.com>
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: Re:quattro digest, Vol 1 #1011 -anti Diesel.
> Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 17:57:17 -0800
> > There's a growing anti-Diesel lobby in the American colonies, too. (USA)
> In
> > California and New York. These two states have the highest crime rates
> > the country.  So our Politicians there believe banning new Diesel cars
> sales
> > will make the taxpayers in California and New York feel safe and secure.
> >
> ??? ... I am mystified at the connection ... so, if we are allowed to
> diesel vehicles can we expect the crime rate to decrease?

Noooo.....I guess you failed to see the humor!

>While it is true that the newer diesels may be getting a bad rap because of
> the older ones, I'm not completely convinced........
 >If they are so clean, I think it is only fair that they move the exhaust
to the front bumper so that >the owner of the vehicle gets the same
experience as all those poor souls who are on the road

 Damn, Steve....your right.  You made it so clear!  Let's ban ALL Diesels
engines!!  OTR and local delivery trucks, mass transit buses and trains, tug
boats, passenger/freight ships, metro utility power generators, hospital
emergency power generators, correctional facility emergency security power,
EMT vehicles, fire engines, construction equipment...... No noxious exhaust
to smell!  Ah, the California air would be so clean.

Imagine, no commercial transit movement, no urban development and no

Steve, now really, next time your stuck in traffic behind an old Diesel bus,
try rolling up your windows!

Ed Birch, Pennsylvania.


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