Hard start problems

Andrew Lundy fast928 at prodigy.net
Sun Feb 11 15:45:04 EST 2001

I would try cleaning the fuel injectors with some Techron (or similar
cleaner).  I would run a couple tank-fuls through.  This fixed my 80q that
would only run on 3 (of 5) cylinders if I let it sit for more than 24 hours.
After 10 minutes of driving all 5 cylinders would come back....but after a
LOT of fuel injector cleaner the problem has been corrected!!!  The car can
sit for weeks now without any problem!!!

Worked for me....Good Luck!!!
Andrew Lundy
fast928 at prodigy.net
90 80q
91 90
95 90q

----- Original Message -----
From: "John English" <john at cloverhilldrive.freeserve.co.uk>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 1:03 PM
Subject: Hard start problems

> I have a 94 2.0 16V audi coupe that is fine when used on a dialy basis ,
> however when I leave it garaged over the weekend (as I do a lot of cycling
> on weekends)the car takes between 10 and 20 seconds to start on the monday
> morning. When it does start it is very 'lumpy' for the first few seconds.
> Any ideas?
> ---
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