Plugs for Sport Quattro at at
Wed Feb 14 09:38:36 EST 2001

> Has anyone ever removed these from a Sport Quattro.  Had one in a
> dealer's shop for a compression test yesterday and the dealer said
> that none of their special tools for other Audis would remove
> these plugs.  Is it "another" special tool?

I used the standard Hazet 2506 last time - any Audi dealer should have
one or its equivalent.  Didn't the onboard tool kit contain a suitable
wrench - it should do?

Mine lives in the toolbox, doubling as a safe storage place for the
Gunson Colortune I carry around.  The Colortune fits in the barrel
of the 2506 with its lead still attached - very quick to deploy.

 Phil Payne
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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