cobram at cobram at
Wed Feb 14 22:06:16 EST 2001

Could be the Idle Controller, these seem to be very model/tranny
specific.  I found this post from when I "fixed" this problem on the '84
5KS about 10 years ago.  The "hack" is still working fine.  As soon as
the car is warms up and the idle increases, it's like disconnecting the
ISV, only from inside.

*Begin Paste*
I WAS NOT however ready to shell out the $170 for 
a new Idle Control Relay (to get that pesky idle 
down in the triple digits) so here's what I did
for a fix, may come in handy for others who will
experience this problem sooner or later.

The center console has four empty slots with dummy
caps on them, I removed two and found an ON-OFF
switch that would fit. NOTE, the switch must 
keep the circuit closed until you push it, so it works
closed-open-closed. I found an old Porsche window
switch that worked by didn't fit the hole, so I settled
for a BMW rear defogger switch that fit perfectly.
I then cut the Black and Yellow spotted (not striped)
wire that goes into the idle control (under the 
drivers kick panel, to the left) and spliced in the
Works great! The car starts right up, when the idle
starts to climb, I just hit the switch for a few seconds,
the idle comes right down to normal. It also maintains
normal idle speed when the compressor comes on for the 

Total Cost: Nothing moneywise (had this stuff kicking around)
            and about half hour of time. 

*End Paste*

Cobram at Juno.Com

"Mark Woodland" <mwoodland at> writes:
> Greetings listers,
> After a week of living with the '87 5KTQ idle at around 500 RPM, I
> soaked the ISV in carb cleaner, ever hopeful that this would do the 

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