Heating Oil vs Diesel

isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk
Sat Feb 17 10:14:12 EST 2001

> No, no and 100 times no.  Heating oil is devoid of many of the
> specialty chemicals that stop waxing in cold temps, prevent
> moisture from freezing and clean the injectors as well as
> lubricate the pump.  I used to operate helicopters on both instead
> of Jet A, A1 or B, and several $100,000 of overhauls as a
> consequence of both were an expensive lesson in fuel technologies.

> But of course there is the tax difference, however the quality
> issue is such that only occasional use is warranted as it was in
> an emergency for our choppers.

To support the UK's main function in time of war (an unsinkable aircraft
carrier) we have a 'secret' pipeline system running between the major
airfields.  Most people with any interest in the subject know it exists,
but it's not talked about much.  During the fuel blockades last autumn
it was proposed in public that it be used to distribute fuel to hauliers
- said fuel to be modified to make it equally suitable for jet aircraft
and diesel engines.

 Phil Payne
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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