G60 Upgrade Failure

ed armstrong edshred2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 20 06:33:07 EST 2001

My bad, I was thinking of this post at M Changs site
and somehow "20v Coupe" was in the memory banks.
is the correct answer...


--- JShadzi at aol.com wrote:
> Ed, that is severely incorrect!  Coupe rotors have a
> much deeper offset that will interfere with 80/90
> balljoints, the proper rotor is referenced on
> www.20v.org, it is an 11" rotor from the 90q20v that
> fits perfectly...
> Javad
> In a message dated Fri, 16 Feb 2001  2:23:47 PM
> Eastern Standard Time, ed armstrong
> <edshred2000 at yahoo.com> writes:
> << My understanding on this is that the G60s require
> the 
> rotors from 90-91 20v coupe. The rotors from the 20v
> sedan will not work.
>  -ed>>

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