88 80Q -- greasy CV boot

Avi Meron avim at pacbell.net
Tue Feb 20 20:31:27 EST 2001

It is not a bad job just a little greasy!
In general the inner boot rarely goes bad, it is the outside one that breaks
(most of the time).  Many dealers and repair shops don't even repack the
joints they just order a Remanufactured one.  I have seen a few shoddy Reman
jobs and in general I prefer to repack my own.
It wouldn't hurt to repack the inner one, but you should decide depending on
your budget.  I don't know why the parts will have to be obtained from the
dealer but maybe there is something special about the 80Q (I am not too
familiar with it).
Take care,

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of Dr. Cory Brayton
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 1:07 PM
To: Quattro at Audifans. Com
Subject: 88 80Q -- greasy CV boot

Hi again -- my car's been OK for a while so I've just been lurking -- but
yesterday I had oil changed & noticed greasy CV boot -- near wheel,
right/passenger side (= pothole/gutter side in Houston) -- I've noticed no
pulling nor noises

dealer price for repair = $275, assuming CV joint is OK -- ouch -- I checked
with 2 other places in Houston & they estimate $220-230 over phone but would
have to get parts from dealer anyway

how likely is it that whole CV joint should be replaced?

Should I get other boot(s) done at same time?

Anyone know a good place to go in Houston?

Thanks again

Cory B
88 80Q
Houston, TX USA

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