speaker help

joel nevin joelnevin at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 22 05:46:20 EST 2001

As mentioned the your best bet is to go with a
component system up front. And I would say that BA
speakers are nice. You should get an amplifier for the
6X9's in the rear if you use them. For the best sound
for the money this is what I would do:

Get a pair of mids and tweets up front. These don't
take much power to run. The power of the deck to run
these should suffice. You will need to get a passive
x-over though. BA makes a rally series that are fairly
cheap and perform well and come with x-over. This will
give you great sound up front(who cares about the rear
After this is done you can wait for the next step if
money is a problem. The mid and tweets will sound
pretty good by themselves.

The next step is the one that costs a bit more money.
but will compliment the mid and tweets up front very
buy the rally 8" sub. Build your own sub box using 3/4
to 1" thick MDF(home depot)not sure on the volume, I
think it was around .75cu. ft. but the specs are on
the sub packaging. Buy a good 2 channel bridgeable
amp. Use this amp bridged to the sub. This system will
sound great, put out some nice clean bass and is the
most cost effective for the great sound produced. 

I would rather spend 200 bucks on a partial good
system that is easily upgradeable and sounds crisp and
clear, than 200 bucks on a crappy full system that is
not easily upgradeable and might need to be fully
taken out if you decide to upgrade.

Just my $0.05(a tad bit more than $0.02)
If you need more help e-mail me. As just buying the
equipment is only part of the battle if you plan on
installing it yourself.
HTH and good luck

> At 12:14 AM 2/22/2001 , you wrote:
> >Hey all.. I've decided to go ahead and upgrade the
> audio on my 86 5ks.. As
> >explained in a previous message it was bastardized
> some time ago.. so just
> >pretend I am starting from scratch :>
> >
> >Firstly, I got the SONY CDX-1300 cd player/radio at
> circuitcity on
> >closeout ($189 reduced to $84).
> >
> >I am going to just use 2 6x9 speakers in the rear
> and the two 3 1/2"ers in
> >front.. I may fill the hole where the 10" subs used
> to be.. but not for a
> >while.
> >
> >I am not planning to use an amp.
> >
> >Any recommendations on the 6x9 speakers?  Also, any
> recommendations on the
> >3 1/2"ers?  The existing 3 1/2s are shot so I dont
> use them anyway.. I
> >was thinking about some fullrange 3.5s..  Any
> experience with brands etc?
> >
> >Also, What sort of 6x9s should I be looking at if I
> am not planning on
> >using an amp?  Thx!
> >
> >ps. As mentioned, I am looking for a 'good' sound
> system -- not one of
> >those sound systems you can hear coming a mile away
> :) .. just something
> >that doesnt buzz too much and can play music at
> normal levels without
> >distorting it too badly.
> >
> >Thx!
> >-Andrew Sitzer

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