FS: 15" 4x108 wheels

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 22 23:52:28 EST 2001

Hey guys,
  As brendan coolian mentioned, you may want to check out that
site he forwarded.  Also check out martin pajaks site.  YOu can
link to it from the links at www.audiworld.com.   (Its called
Martins Quattro page I think).
  Anyhow, basically you need new front struts (5ktq,5kt,ur-q, or
90q) and hubs to match.  On 5ktq/5kt/ur-q you use 5ktq or 5kt
hubs.  you also need a matching set of these hubs to fit the
rear struts.  Now to finish front, you need 2 tie rod ends from
a VW Golf (A1-A2 body)  These allow 4kq tie rods to bolt up to
5kt struts.  Now get 4kq rear drive shafts and install oposite
of rear.  (left to right, right to left "its obvious")  That
said, if you want to use factory tranny flanges you need 85-87
rear driveshafts. If you want the beefier inner CV's like a
5ktq, you need 5ktq or 5kq flanges and rear axles off an 84'
  Now for the rear, press said hubs into rear and get the rotor
drilled to 5-bolt pattern.  Thats the easy mod.  Or you can
bitch and cuss like me and try to go the 2-piece 90q rear strut
route.  5-lbs ligher per strut. (less unsprung weight) and easy
to work on.  BUT....you need spacers behind the rotor or a
custom rear rotor (I'm working on this, using front 4kq rotor in
back with 5kt front carrier and caliper. :-)   
  As for 90q front strut, they are also 2-piece but I'll refrain
from them for the moment. :-)  I just want to get it all
finsished right. (Still dont have shock valving perfect for my
300lb coilovers)
  Oh, and of course you need 5kt/5ktq front brake rotors,
carriers, and calipers. :-)
  Hope that helps.  Write if you have more question.

--- Per Lindgren <lindgre at online.no> wrote:
> Todd Phenneger wrote:
> >   Since I've converted to 5-bolts I have my 15" wheels off
> my
> > 4kq FS.
> Todd, how did you do that conversion? I want to do the same to
> my car so
> I can put on Porsche Cup (same as RS2) wheels in 5-112 circle
> on my car,
> but so far the only solution I have found are S2 hubs which
> cost mucho
> $$$. The rears are easy, any 2wd 5k or 100 will do. Fronts are
> expensive
> though. And the Porsche Cup wheels are not available in 4-108
> circle.
> PerL
> 92 Cabrio 2.3

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