Where do the city lights go anyway?

Ameer Antar ameer at snet.net
Tue Feb 27 00:40:37 EST 2001

When I was visiting in Cairo a while back, I noticed all the cars had 
really dim lights. They looked about as bright as any sidelamp, so I asked 
about it, and they have three choices of light...city, low-beam and high. 
City is low power when driving in a city like Cairo, since there's light 
everywhere and it keeps from bothering drivers in front of you. The lo and 
high beam are driving on open stretches outside the city. I think they have 
a better setup, but in the US, there's not much need for it, cuz lots of 
Americans drive outside of cities all the time, so city lights never 
appeared here. If I had euro's, I'd wire them up on a separate switch, but 
if you never think you'll use it, wire them w/ the main bulbs.


At 06:17 PM 2/26/2001 , you wrote:
>Hi gang,
>I'm a little confused on what circuit the city lights should be hooked 
>to.  I don't see them as having much use here in the U.S.A., but it would 
>be good to know what to do with them.
>- Tony
>lots of I-5 Audis

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