Where do the city lights go anyway?

Per Lindgren lindgre at online.no
Tue Feb 27 01:49:05 EST 2001

What you guys are always referring to as city lights are nothing else than
parking lights. In Europe, these are often incorporated in the headlight or
as a standalone unit, in the US they are put in the turn signals instead. We
dont have parking lights in the turn signals here.

http://members.tripod.lycos.nl/AudiJunk/4k5kCGTlate.html In the bottom
picture you will see a 90 with parking lights lit.

92 Cabrio 2.3

Tony Lum wrote:

> Hi gang,
> I'm a little confused on what circuit the city lights should be hooked
> to.  I don't see them as having much use here in the U.S.A., but it would
> be good to know what to do with them.
> Regards,
> - Tony
> lots of I-5 Audis

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