Stuck Door...Help Please

Ryan Gemmill rglist00 at
Tue Feb 27 15:54:50 EST 2001


A few of you may remember some time ago I posted to the list about a door
that would not open. Hence, the door panel cannot be removed without
destroying it. This is a sort of update. The car in question is a 1991 200

Originally I thought that there was some broken linkage inside the door.
Now, after having a door specialist (not Audi, but he knew what he was
doing) manipulate/test all the rods and connections inside the door and not
finding a problem, I know think that the problem lies with the box all the
rods lead to. (On the outside of the door that holds the door shut.) I
believe this is broken in the locked position. What I'm asking is if there
is anyone who has any experience or ideas as to how to get the door open.
Once the door is open it wouldn't be a problem, but I cannot figure out how
to open the door without destroying it.

Thanks in advance, and I'd appreciate any ideas.

Ryan Gemmill

3-Door 1991 200 fwd.

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