fog dog

Robert Hemphill rubbert at
Tue Feb 27 15:01:29 EST 2001

As a previous lister noted, heater core leaks cause the unmistakeable odor of
coolant to be detectable at times--IME.  Audis do have many mysterious tunnels
and channels to allow outside water to enter, however. Once inside, though,
it's very slow to leave.

Robert Hemphill

Chris Dyer wrote:

> It's been "cold" and rainy here in L.A. lately. My 5kcstq hasn't had any
> prob's, but one li'l thing I noticed prompts a question.
> After firing up in this weather, the windsheild sometimes (not always)
> starts to fog up--w/o having any cc turned
> on.-----------------------------------------snip>>>>>>_____________________________________________________________
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