ECU Fault Code test

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Tue Feb 27 18:28:32 EST 2001


My '89 200 TQ is acting funny. Before Sunday's dinner, there was no 
power above 3500 rpm. I'd have to short shift to get up to highway 
speed. Of course, on Sunday the problem corrected itself. Now, it's
back. Car starts normally (5 seconds of grinding).

I'm trying to pull the ECU fault codes, using info supplied by Scott
Mockry's site:

A couple of Q's:

1. Will any old LED do? Anyone have a specific Radio Shack part #?

2. Will any old resistor work? Radio Shack part #?

3. The page says "you activate the fault code system by connecting 
   the jumper wire across the two terminals for four seconds." 
   Which two terminals? ECU pin 9/18 to ECU pin 5? ECU pin 28? ECU 
   pin 31? All of them, one at a time?

While I'm picking up electronic parts, I'd like to get parts to
fix the lights in some of my switches. I believe people have used 
LED's here, also. True? Radio Shack part #? Will it also need a 

'89 200 TQ feeling it's age

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