timing belt change - advance/or not

Kaklikian, Gary Gary.Kaklikian at compaq.com
Wed Feb 28 12:07:45 EST 2001

	Do you know a source for the adjustable cam pulley?   Is it the same
as the 8v VW motor?  I'd really like to get one for my MC2 motor, but I
believe the tooth profile is different than the earlier MC's. I guess if I
have to, I can swap out the crank pulley, water pump, and timing belt for
earlier ones as well.

	Contrary to usual, I'd like to retard the cam timing for more
top-end power.   My motor, which is highly modified, has plenty of low-end
and mid-range torque, but falls off a bit at high rpm's.   I'm going to try
retarding one tooth on the stock pulley. Not sure how many degrees this is ,
but will count the number of teeth. I would think 4-5 degrees would be

	Gary Kaklikian
	86 4ktq
	92 S4

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <GMBCHEF at aol.com>
> To: <zed123 at telusplanet.net>; <quattro at audifans.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 7:48 AM
> Subject: Re: timing belt change - advance/or not
> > The best thing to do is to get an adjustable cam pulley. If you go on
> tooth
> > advanced on the stock pulley, it's too much. Something like 19 degrees,
> > whereas on an adjustable one, you can move it 1 or 2 degrees at a time.
> > Gary
> >

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