timing belt change - advance/or not

Gary Erickson erickson at teleport.com
Wed Feb 28 13:27:50 EST 2001

"Kaklikian, Gary" wrote:
>         Do you know a source for the adjustable cam pulley?   Is it the same
> as the 8v VW motor?  I'd really like to get one for my MC2 motor, but I
> believe the tooth profile is different than the earlier MC's. I guess if I

The MC-2 engine uses the newer "supertorque" timing belt with the deeper

The same belt design is what was used on the '91 200q 20v motors.  (If
you look at the Family Album, you'll see that the 3B and MC-2 engines
actually use the same cam gear.)

I have seen adjustable cam gears for the 16v VW engines used on the 3B
20v engine, so it should work just fine on an MC-2 engine using the
supertorque belt.

Caveat:  I haven't tried this myself, yet.  Once I get around to doing
it, I will report to the list.

> Not sure how many degrees this is ,
> but will count the number of teeth. I would think 4-5 degrees would be
> enough.

IIRC, each tooth on the cam gear is 8 degrees.  Too much to move at one
IMO -- I agree on the 4 degrees thought.



'85 turbo GT coupe
'89 80q
'89 200q

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