Help with 16" snows on 2000 S4

Leah Mueller muellerl at
Tue Jan 2 21:55:04 EST 2001

My two cents would suggest the Q's for true ice and snow handling.  But if
high speed performing is your goal for winter then the NRW.  Both in 16 inch
(or even 15 inch if possible in tire and rim combo that would fit)for price
point and the cheapest new steel rims. But you have to feel good with looks
if that is important to you.  I applaud your desire to have seperate winter
rims.  I can't comment on price since I am not aware of prices for these in
the State.

1986 4kq (195 60 14 NRW, 175 70 14 Q)

>Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 15:15:03 -0500
>From: Todd Joseph <todd at>
Should I go with the 16's or 17's? NRW's or Q's? I'm going to buy
>snows mounted on rims.  Given NRW-H 16's on Audi knock-off rims, is
>$1,392 a good price?
  Leah Mueller -- muellerl at

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