Insurance question- someone hit my A4

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at
Wed Jan 3 13:01:44 EST 2001


You are prolly better off paying the deductible.  If you need a hood, that
means you need painting done, and right there thats the cost of the
deductible.  Just scout out a good shop for the work and you should be fine.
You may be able to work out a deal with a shop if you provide parts and
split the difference in the cost of actual repairs vs the estimate.  Course,
dont tell the ins company this :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Wamboldt [mailto:jwamboldt at]
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 12:49 PM
To: 'quattro at'
Subject: Insurance question- someone hit my A4

New years eve my 96 A4 was parked while me and a bunch of friends took the T
into Boston. When I came back my car had been hit by someone. The damage is
minor, but I'm going to need a new headlight, hood, and bumper. My questions
are is there any way I can get out of paying the deductible? And will they
put a surcharge on my insurance? If so, I'd like to just cancel the claim
and pay for it myself, any ideas on what that would cost to fix?


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