way back in 1991...

Frank de Kat fdekat at sentex.net
Wed Jan 3 17:35:19 EST 2001

>Message: 8
>From: Ti Kan <ti at amb.org>
>Subject: Re: way back in 1991...
>To: quattro at brettd.dsl.speakeasy.net (Brett Dikeman)
>Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 20:32:43 -0800 (PST)
>Cc: quattro at audifans.com
>Brett Dikeman writes:
>> Interesting...in my quest through the archives, i just happened to 
>> look at the very first message in the archives.  It's from one of the 
>> first listadmins, Tom Haapanen, way back in 1991.  The who's who is 
>> also interesting and included.
>> ...
>Yup!  Hehe, and look who of those on that list is still here :-)
>01 S4 2.7 biturbo quattro
>84 5000S 2.1 turbo
>80 4000 2.0
>96 A4 2.8 quattro (sold but not forgotten)

Well... I bought my 4000q from Roger Sanderson, who was an original on the
list. Does that sort of count?
He was the one who tipped me off to the list too.
Amazingly enought, the same car still runs. I just got it to pass emission
 testing (With some help on setting up the emissions from Huw's website),
with over 400,000Km on the odo!


Frank de Kat 
fdekat at sentex.net   
Dundas, Ontario, Canada

Audi 4000CSq (x2 !)
(To see "The Rally Pictures")

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