'77 Audi Fox Turbo

Lawrence C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Wed Jan 10 17:26:26 EST 2001


Was this meant for ME, or did it actually come from the list? As far as I
know, I certainly didn't think you were wasting your time or $$$ on your
brakes, but I did want you to understand that they shouldn't out-perform
properly working stock brakes (key word is properly) in terms of a single
full on panic stop from cold. 

As for the big brakes, it'll help on the track, 'cuz then you'll build up
heat faster than the little brakes can get rid of it, but, by all the
info out there, at least for properly working stock brakes, at the first
turn, you'll slow down just about the same no matter which brakes you
have (okay, the lighter brakes would be somewhat easier to stop, but
that's a mass thing, not a brake thing. Lower mass objects are always
easier to stop, force applied being equal). To summarize what ALL of the
articles (just found yet another one in Grassroots Motorsports) say, the
absolute main limiting factor in braking (and turning and accelerating)
is the grip of the tires. Period. All the brake technology does is help
you use that grip more effectively (better modulation means lock-up is
easier to control, so shorter stopping distances may be achieved b/c it
was more difficult to keep the brakes from locking. This was a common
problem for rear drum brake Mustangs), and fight fade, which I think many
of us would agree is a problem for a number of Audis (surprizing in the
land of the Autobahn!). If you can't lock your stock brakes, you've
either got one helluva grippy set of tires on (and if you do, I want to
know what they are!) OR the brakes aren't operating properly/as designed.
I you think the peformance of your custom brakes is good now, and the
stock brakes stink, then you should go through both systems thourougly
(sp?). You may find after the complete check through both brakes will
perform better, better enough to absolutely astonish you! (AMHIK)

Sorry if I disparaged you in any way. If I did, I definitely didn't
intend to.


On Thu, 4 Jan 2001 12:18:30 -0500 "Alexander van Gerbig"
<Audi_80 at email.msn.com> writes:
>    Hypocrisy in it's greatest form.  Practice what you preach and 
>maybe it
>will make more of an impact.  If you don't need a fast car, or even a 
>car at
>all, then don't mention that you have them just because you like them. 
> I
>like my brakes, but that isn't why I bought them.  I actually have a 
>to have those brakes, track soon and better on the street.  You 
>own the Audi for more reason than I just like it.  It's a turbo first 
>bet you use that when propelling yourself down I70.  You may say you 
>need it then why do you have it?  Your answer is, "I like it."  That 
>isn't your finest or most eloquent point.  Now can we keep this off 
>list, or kill it?
>Thank you,
>Alexander van Gerbig -- '88 80
>The Audi  80 Pages-----------------
>North Ferrisburg, VT 05473

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