URQ vs. Coupe GT

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 10 22:40:09 EST 2001

The large Boxed fenders are the first HUGE Givaway.  And the
front spoiler is very different.  All body color bumpers and
much more aggressive front end.

--- Carl Jarrett <cjarrett at reboot.com> wrote:
> How do you tell the 2 apart if you can't see the engine. If I
> saw
> pictures what are the defining parts of a URq? Are the
> headlights
> different or anything? There are 2 cars for sale in my area,
> one is a
> turbo so I know its a URQ and the other says 6 cylinder, 87,
> awd,
> 106,000kms, $7500 canadian..
> Thanks.

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