Looking for another good electrical crimper

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 11 09:29:07 EST 2001

--- Stott Hare <stott at gwi.net> wrote:
> I know there are several listers out there who do
> their own wiring and
> repairs.  I'm hoping one or more of you can help me
> fill a void in my
> electrical tool kit.  I have a very nice ratcheting
> crimper for insulated
> terminals and general use.  What I've been looking
> for is a crimper that
> will crimp new Audi factory wire terminals
> correctly, the ones which fold
> back into the wire and into the insulation for
> positive contact and strain
> relief.
> Anyone know what I'm talking about?  Where I can
> find such a tool?
I believe it is called a W crimper.?  The one I have
is made by Thomas and Betts.  It says STA-KON LUG and
the # is WT.-111 M?  It is a 2 stage crimp.  First it
rolls the ends over and when you flip it over then it
crushs the ends in in the center.  Works good, once I
figured out how to work it.

Jim Accordino

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