ticking steering pump

Stephen Ankney ankneys at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 13 05:09:55 EST 2001

power steering pump on my 88 5k has gotten fairly noisy. Sounds like a 
ticking/rattling sound. Does'nt appear to be coming from the pulley, but 
more from within the pump itself. If I turn the wheel either way it sounds 
as if there is a pissed off bumble bee inside there. Its been suggested that 
perhaps some of the seals/valves(?) inside the pump are slightly unseated 
and are causing the Bumble bee sound. Is that a possibility? The pump is not 
leaking and the steering feels fine...

To make things clearer...the "bumble bee" sound has been there for over a 
year...while the ticking/rattling sound has appeared over the last 3 months 
or so...just wanted to make sure that it was understood that the two noises 
are seperate entitys...

Are these just the usual signs/sounds of a bad pump? I hear that generally 
the pumps don't go bad they just like to leak and need resealing...but this 
sounds like something is not right. Is there any mechanical parts inside the 
pump that could be causing any of this? Like a bearing or something of the 
sort...and would it be repairable? Thanks for any advice...

Steve Ankney
88 5000s
Holland, Michigan
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